Way to Display Network Relationships Using a Task Map

An activity map is a 2D or 3D real-time display of device connections based on protocol activity. Activity maps allow you to visualize traffic flows and kick off troubleshooting based on an interesting data point in a map.

Detections associated with devices on an activity map appear around the device as animated pulses, known as detection markers. Detection markers indicate which devices are the offender or victim of the detection and also display the status (Resolved or Not Resolved) of each device. You can click a detection marker to view and navigate to the associated detection on the Devices page.

You can use an activity https://theactivitymap.com/ map to track a customer through multiple paths simultaneously, such as one path that delivers a coupon in an email, another path displays an advertisement on a website, and a third path shows the same advertisement on a mobile app. Each of these paths originates from the same node on the activity map, so you can view and investigate each of the individual path’s behavior with the same visualization.

In the top left corner of an activity map, select the time interval to display the real-time activity map data for. You can select from Last 30 minutes, Last 6 hours, and Last day. You can also create a custom time interval with a start and end date to stop the real-time layout updates.

To customize how an activity map is displayed, click Configure activity maps. You can configure a number of settings for each map, including layout, colors, and how data points are displayed. You can also change the zoom level by clicking on the circle in the lower right corner of a map or using your mouse wheel.

The default color of the circles in an activity map is red if an alert has been assigned to a device and green if no alert has been assigned. You can select a different color for the circles by selecting an option from the menu in the Configure activity maps window. To remove an alert from a device, select the device and then select the Disable alert status option in the menu.

If you select a step in an activity map, you can filter the devices in that step by their group membership. For example, if you select a step with devices such as HTTP servers, you can filter the devices in that step to include only your test servers.

You can also add more steps to an activity map and filter the devices in those steps by their group membership. You can add up to 5 steps to an activity map.

With Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger, you can easily debug and test links that are passed to Activity Map using an intuitive browser plugin that displays contextual DOM attribute data in an easy-to-read interface. This allows you to quickly and efficiently find and resolve performance issues that may be affecting the quality of your Adobe Analytics network requests.